This podcast is has various comedic, interesting, & entertaining topics but my goal is to focus on the history of the Indigenous people of the American continent that was lost or stolen from history or hardly ever talked about. Opochtli is also known as the ’Left Handed One’ or ’He who divides the Waters’ in Nahuatl which is the Aztec’s native language.
Wednesday Mar 23, 2022
Opochtli Podcast #279 - Hope you bought the GME AMC dipitty dip dip
Wednesday Mar 23, 2022
Wednesday Mar 23, 2022
Mar 23, 2022 - A group activity could lead to discussions of famous unsolved mysteries, Leo. Jack the Ripper, the Black Dahlia, the truth about O.J. Simpson, and other intriguing problems might capture the interest of everyone present, and might lead to some animated debates over possible solutions. You might want to make mental notes of the ideas everyone comes up with. Each possible solution could tell you a lot about the person proposing it!